Giving Shoes New Life with Soles4Souls

soles4souls shoes

Bruce Katz, Founder and CEO of Samuel Hubbard, is fond of saying, “We don’t need more shoes. We need longer lasting shoes.” He understands that something as simple as a pair of comfortable shoes can make a big difference. A good pair of shoes supports your very foundation and gets you where you need to go throughout the day.

This is the same sentiment shared by Soles4Souls, our Trade-Up Program partner. Soles4Souls creates sustainable jobs and provides relief through the distribution of shoes and clothing around the world. The organization turns unwanted shoes and clothing into opportunity, by keeping them from going to waste and putting them to good use — providing relief, creating jobs, and empowering people to break the cycle of poverty.

Since 2006, Soles4Souls has distributed more than 53 million pairs of shoes in 127 countries and all 50 US states. Together with supporters and partners, like Samuel Hubbard, they’ve kept more than 53 million pounds of textiles from going to landfills and generated over $250 million in economic impact.

Walk A Mile In Someone Else’s Shoes

We partnered with Soles4Souls for our Trade-Up Program because the organization aligns with many of our community-based values. When designing quality footwear, we try to imagine what it’s like to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. Soles4Souls makes those imaginings a reality. Their programs are focused on making a measurable impact on people and the planet, and bringing people together in communities as a result.

Headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, Soles4Souls repurposes product to supply its micro-enterprise, disaster relief and direct assistance programs. Their programs function in three main ways:

Free Distribution - New shoes and clothing, donated by corporate partners, are distributed to people in need around the world.

Micro-enterprise - Hard-working entrepreneurs are able to build their own small businesses selling donated shoes and clothing.

Global Experiences - Traveling with Soles4Souls is a great way to experience new cultures, meet amazing people and play a hands-on role in distributing shoes.

By partnering with Soles4Souls, we enable Samuel Hubbard customers to give their shoes new life through these programs. By donating your old shoes, people like Lena Ahremtseva, who was raised in a Transnistrian orphanage, are granted opportunities to succeed. Lena participated in a Soles4Souls micro-enterprise partnership and is now earning a sustainable income. “They gave me a good direction in life and good advice,” Lena says, “to stay strong in school and continue my education. Not to give up.”

The takeaway is — don’t throw out your old shoes. Donate them instead. You never know the ripple effect that can occur from donating a simple pair of shoes.

How Does the Trade-Up Program Work?

We believe in the “fewer, better” principle — only own shoes you love. This means less waste, a tidier closet, and extremely happy feet.

If you have gently worn shoes you no longer wear — any brand — donate them to Soles4Souls and we'll reward you with $50 off a new pair of Hubbards. Simply email us the receipt for your donation and we’ll reply with a promo code. It’s that simple.

The Trade-Up Program is one of our sustainability initiatives. We put a lot of care into creating high quality, comfortable shoes. The last thing we want at Samuel Hubbard is to see our shoes end up in landfills. On average, Americans throw away 70 pounds of textiles (shoes and clothing) per person, per year. The EPA estimates that only 15% of clothing and footwear in the U.S. is recycled, leaving the remaining 85% in our landfills.

Rewarding people who donate their old shoes is one of the ways we try to do our part in reducing landfill waste. We also have a resoling and refurbishment program, so that shoes can be renewed instead of thrown away. This program is a way to breathe new life into your Hubbards! Have them resoled, restored and refurbished. A great pair of shoes is always worth it.

Are you ready to pay it forward by donating your old shoes? If it’s time to Trade-Up, follow the steps below.

Promo codes will be given for each donation, but are limited to one per purchase. Please visit our Trade-Up Program webpage to learn more.

Donate comfortable sustainable shoes.

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